viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021


 Here We are again with the second post! I would like to talk about applications which you can use in the internet or in your mobile phone. In this case, I found DUOLINGO where you can learn american english, french, german, japanese, chinese, etc.

At the beginning you choose the language you want to learn and after answering some questions and logging in your profile, you can choose to start from the beginning or if you already know something of this language that you want to study, test your level and start from that level. 

The really good thing about this application is that it is specially designed for our students, because there are many pictures that illustrate the vocabulary you are trying to learn. Also when you touch on the images, a voice tells you in that language, how to say that word.

In the app you have to choose between 3 possible answers and if you answer correctly, you will get points and unlock rewards, it is very fun.

For example, an activity in pairs where they can practise reading with conversations one by one and also check their comprenhension, like this:

This images is an examples, just to illustrate, other kind of reading may be used, like a personal story.

I could tell you more about this application but I prefer that you be the ones who discover it and give me your opinion. What do you think? Tell me in the comments!


1 comentario:

  1. Hi Jose, thanks for sharing with the blogger community this worderful app. I used to use it back in London when I worked in a secondary school as an EAL teacher. It was pretty "famous" among the MFL teachers too. I have found the vocabulary section a fundamental one within the app as it allows learners, I am mostly thinking about those ones who might be preparing for a test, to identify those words which they have already learnt and used appropriately, as well as those which they might still need to keep working on. They rely on algorithms that predict the crucial time for learners to start working with them so the terms are incorporated to their long term memory. Isn´t it fascinating? If you are interested in learning about how this works, please check this out:

    Also, I would like to share some feedback with you that you may (may not) find useful. When adding a new post onto your blog and if you want learners to access a certain website, I find that adding a link is often quicker and more efficient. So instead of copying and paste the address of the website you would like your students to access, which will mean they would then need to copy and paste it into the browser bar, all you would need to do is link or embed it. This will ensure that the content you want them to access is always up to date (let´s call it "alive"), and on top of it, you access it by clicking directly onto it, without having to copy and paste onto the browser bar. Try it out and let me know how you are getting on. Thanks for sharing and reminding me about the useful learning tool Duolingo is! Don´t be a stranger :-)



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